Monday, May 19, 2008

Random Photos: Florence

We arrived at our hostel after an hour of searching to find this. Just then, I swear I heard a rumbling from the rapidly darkening skies above--this was not a good omen.

It took us an hour to find the hostel because, as we learned from a local, they often change the street signs. The trick, she says, is to go by the newest-looking one. Here's 2 of the 3 signs that belonged to one street:

From the top of Piazza Michelangelo, looking across the valley to Fortress Belvedere, we vowed to never again (take that, Jenn--two words splitting it!) plan routes without accurate, 1:50,000 topographical maps.

The plural of Vespa is Vespe. We think they mate with each other at night to produce more bastard offspring that threaten one's wellbeing.

It's not all bad: they use Windows. It's not all good, either: they use Windows 98.

Jenn near Fortress Belvedere.

Near the main bridge across the Arno (Ponte Vecchio: "Old Bridge". Clever.) is the site where lovers symbolically announce their love and throw away the key.

"Love at first poke" seems to describe the relationships of ourselves and many of our friends.

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