Sunday, May 4, 2008


We liked York. Things we learned while in York:

(1) People love their dogs. Go anywhere at 6PM, and the dog-to-human ratio is about 1:1. All shapes and colours, too.

(2) Supermarkets have really nice, free washrooms.

(3) Yorkshire people like things to be well labelled:

(a) unnecessary signage

(b) ignored signage

(c) Interweb signage...wait a minute...

(4) Cities with ancient Roman walls are quite pretty.

(5) Just because it's a famous church, don't expect an inspirational service. We attended a Saturday communion service at York Minster, whose congregation could give Notre Dame's a run for their money in a vigorous-mumbling-of-hymns competition.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes, but did you see the Grand Old Duke of ...