Thursday, May 8, 2008

Nerds a Grande Vitesse

On the TGV from Avignon to Nice, we sat within view of a young guy who had, as the French might say, l'air nerd. That is, greasy hair, half-stache, dorky glasses: all crimes that I am often guilty of myself.

He had a honkin' computer and briefly looked over a piece of paper entitled, "Algorithmiques."

I poked Jenn and asked if she thought he was a CS student. Apparently, 4 years at UW wasn't enough for her: she wasn't sure.

Seconds later, he pulled out a World of Warcraft tips book and began reading intently.

Definitely a CS student.


Anonymous said...

Some have gaydar, others are blessed with CSdar.

flyydq said...

Not there's anything wrong with being a computer science student.

I had an image of Colin texting the French kid and asking: "Does your dog byte?"
