Saturday, May 10, 2008

Yay Gelato

Overnight train tip #1: get a bed. Even if it is in a shared room, with a tiny bed, it is worth it. We had 'reclining' seats for 9 hours from Nice to Florence, and there was not much sleep. Boourns.

Florence tip #1: there is heat, there is art, and there is not much else. Sorry Karen, I know you loved it, and it is beautiful, but we are not exactly art enthusiasts. We do not appreciate its finer points, and after several galleries full of paintings and statues in London, we are arted out.

Things of note that were wonderful: David (the real one and two copies) and other amazing statues everywhere, Piazza della Michelangelo (beautiful views from the top of a freaking huge hill), and the Duomo of Santa Maria del Fiore (a civil engineering feat, we hear).

Things of note that were far from it: Piazzale della Michelangelo (because it is at the top of a freaking huge hill), Forte di Belvedere (at the top of the next hill over, which we climbed before realizing that it was the wrong one), and the fact that one must pay to get into all of the nice gardens (alternatively, there are some lovely tree-filled piazzas where one can sit and watch children or soccer games).

Florence tip #2: there are lots of hills in the South of Florence. Hills should be avoided at all costs (see Marseilles post).

And that, my friends, is Florence. Tomorrow morning, Roma!


Unknown said...

So you are begining to learn that traveling has its ups and downs! (Alternately we might say an upside and a downside - often with very little level in between.)

newbeginnings said... what's going on? Has blog neglect reared its ugly head? Or shall I say paralyzed the fingers that should be playing on the keyboard keeping us amused with news of your travels? Come on Jenn and Colin we know you are in Venice now, but what happened in Rome? Please update! love your Mother