Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary To Me

As on our first date, we spent the day walking around town - only this time, we were not picking out clothing so Colin could go out with someone else! Yay progress!

Today was Church day, when we made sure to wear proper clothes, to visit the various Anglican churches in town (yes, the appropriate dress is different from in Catholic churches). We were going to tour St. Paul's cathedral first thing in the morning, but in true Dellow fashion, Colin slept in. So first, we took the Tube to Buckingham Palace, where we watched the changing of the guards (more to come on that later).

After that, we moved on to Westminster Abbey, which was definitely worth the fee. Inside are buried Chaucer, several Kings and Queens, and Issac Newton, among many others. The artwork is beautiful, if a little ostentatious when you remember that it is for the dead. The cute little garden in the cloister was possibly my favourite part, since the tourists mostly pass it by between the crypts and the coffee shop. Unfortunately, we had just missed communion, so missed taking a service in this church.

St. Paul's Cathedral was still open when we got back to that part of town, so we went to Evensong - beautiful music, not too long, perfect for our short attention spans. Sadly we sat in the 'tourist' area, not the 'parishioner' area, so people were constantly moving around and we were far from the choir. This really is smart on the church's part, since people are generally pretty rude, but not so good for us!

What better way to end a day of Churches than with porn? We were only partly kidding in our last post: we went to see Avenue Q at the Noel Coward Theatre. This is the musical that boasts such songs as "The Internet is for Porn" and "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist." It was hilarious, Colin and his floofy hair felt right at home. I think it was a perfectly romantic way to end our 5 year anniversary.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your Anniversary together. Are those really good walking shoes, Jennifer? Jane will be pleased that you attended Evensong, her favorite worship service. Have you solved the bank card problem? It's snowing here again today - wish I was in England.

Anonymous said...

Evvvensong...thoughts arrive like butterflies. Oh he dont know, so he chases them away.

What...oh. Nevermind.